Music Children Foundation
Hong Kong SAR, China

Established in 2013, Music Children Foundation (MCF) aims to provide free-of-charge and professional music programmes to children from economically challenged families, and hitherto over 5,000 children and families from various districts had received our service. Its programmes, supported by donors, patrons, volunteers and professional musicians, are run by highly qualified teachers aiming to transform children's lives by fostering positive personalities and virtues using music as a medium. MCF is a Hong Kong charitable organization that is exempted from the tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance-File no.91/13207.
The free-of-charge music programme in MCF lasts for 4 years. MCF provides a range of training including instruments classes, choirs and ensembles. For each student, MCF will conduct an assessment every year to determine his/her suitability to continue with the training. At the end of the four years programme, MCF will do its best to secure scholarships for the outstanding students allowing them to continue with their musical journey. Parents will be engaged to participate in the parent’s chorus and to become members of the volunteer’s team – a chance to strengthen the parent-child relationships and to connect with society. MCF’s student graduates will be encouraged to volunteer as teaching assistants, a process to learn the values of giving and requiting the society.
MCF's choir has been formed since 2014, is a large ensemble-based class that emphasizes teamwork, cooperation, and positive self-efficacy through choral repertoire. This joyful learning, requiring the participation of the children, will foster intrinsic motivation and teamwork among children. To help build confidence, a sense of pride, character and the ability to express one's emotion through music. Public performance is a key component of MCF's curriculum; the chorus participates in a variety of performances – concerts, large scale musicals, street flash mob, community outreach, and video production.