Vocal ensemble Caloroso

In 2002 Inge Sykora formed a vocal ensemble with the students of her singing class. More than 15 years later, Caloroso vzw / Caloroso choirs has grown into a choir school with 6 different choirs, in which singers from 4 to 65 years are given a place.
Children from 6 years old start in the children's choir Caloroso. During rehearsals a lot of attention is paid to beautiful posture and healthy use of voice. The children learn to sing ‘on pitch’ and are introduced to simple polyphony. Children's choir Caloroso is considered a training choir. Afterwards they move on to Senior Children's Choir Caloroso. This group offers (competition) repertoire for children's and youth choirs in all kinds of languages and styles. Senior children's choir Caloroso is considered a concert choir.
Girls between 15 and 25 years old with sufficient vocal and musical baggage are welcome in the vocal ensemble Caloroso. The individual vocal contribution is important in Vocal Ensemble Caloroso. If they have not yet taken singing lessons in a music academy, the singers can follow voice training with our voice coach. Vocal ensemble Caloroso is considered a concert choir and/or competition choir. The singers participate in concerts, competitions and (international) festivals.
Caloroso offers its singers the widest possible repertoire. Classical works and contemporary choral music as well as world music and pop songs are presented. Caloroso was asked several times for television and sound recordings.
Vocal ensemble Caloroso consists of 24 singers between the ages of 15 and 25. The ensemble has won great prizes at the EMJ (Belgium), the “Heart Of Europe” International Choir Festival (Germany), the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod (Wales) and the “39th Bydgoszcz Musical Impressions- International Meetings of Young Musicians” (Poland). )…
Caloroso likes to be an ambassador for Flemish choral music during these festivals. The ensemble already has many world premieres (First performances) of Flemish compositions to its name. Artistic director Inge Sykora wants to offer a stage to young composers in this way. Caloroso is also the organizer of 'beVOICEd', a biennial happening for youth choirs of equal voices, where 10 youth choirs from all over Belgium are invited to participate. The aim of this happening is to offer young singers and their conductors a stage opportunity, to offer workshops in which they are musically challenged...